Daphne Edwards was a speaker for the 2019 Family Law Section Annual Meeting and Continuing Legal Education Event titled Family Law and The Mechanics: Say It Loud, Say It Clear.
This was a program hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association on May 3-4, 2019, in Asheville, North Carolina.
Daphne presented ten tips for enforcing child support and alimony orders. Specifically, she discussed:
- Income withholding related to child support orders,
- Income withholding related to alimony orders,
- Civil contempt,
- Proving a parties’ ability to pay through social media,
- Proving a parties’ ability to pay through imputing income,
- Criminal contempt,
- Qualified domestic relations orders,
- Writs of possession and transfer of property,
- Securing payment by bond, mortgage, or deed of trust; and
- Making the client a creditor.
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